Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Are Americans really free Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Are Americans really free - Essay Example Historically, the USA is considered the birthplace of democracy, and which is important - democracy is an inborn feature of the American nation. The founding fathers of the Constitution of the United States can by no means be called the creators of our freedom - in fact, it already existed in the minds and, which is more important, lives of the colonists. Taking into account all the above said, it seems irrelevant to even question the fact that the Americans are really free yes, things are not so unambiguous in the modern society, and there are phenomena and facts that certainly limit our freedom. In this report, we will concentrate upon the problem of the USA as a panoptic society and the way it limits personal freedom. At the end of the 20th century (1975), a French philosopher Michel Foucault wrote a book Surveiller et punir (Disciple and punish) that gave a historical account of European prison, and the ideas contained in this book have become the basis for the new philosophy. The reason why we have to talk about Foucault's work is because the philosopher was the one who gave a new birth to the term "panopticum" that was first used by Jeremy Bentham in the 18th century to describe a prison allowing to constantly observe the prisoners, and which is more, ever since Foucault's book was released, the modern society began to be regarded as "panoptic" by some researchers. Foucault shows, in effect, how the system of surveillance first practiced in nineteenth-century prisons - those 'complete and austere institutions', as Baltard called them - has increasingly spread throughout modern Westernized societies. This dynamic is terminologically reflected in the shift from what Jrgen Habermas originally called the 'structural transformation of public space' to what he came to call the 'colonization of the life-world'. Colonization has returned home, equipped with appropriate technology. A new, and no less 'peculiar', Apparatus is central to Foucault's account: Bentham's Panopticum. (The Lesser Evil 2003, p. 55) Whereas M. Foucault begins from describing a prison, he finally reaches the conclusion that practically all social institutions are panoptic by their nature - i.e. hospital's wards, school or university's classes, etc. In a panopticum, "[a]n individual is an object of information, but is never a subject of communication". (Foucault 1999, pp. 292) Hence, since panopticum is meant to keep people from communicating, it is a way to suppress their freedom. As Foucault has it: "If there are criminals in the cells, there is no danger of a plot,.. if there are ill people-there is no danger of spreading infection. If there are insane people - there will be no risk of mutual violence; if these are schoolchildren - they will never be able to cheat; if workers are kept there-there are none of the pleasures which can keep them away from work". (Foucault 1999, pp. 293-294) For the French philosopher, panopticum is not only a certain particular organisation - it is, in fact, a principle, a mechanism that acts in the society and serves as means of suppressing individualism, controlling people, turning them into a crowd, forcing onto them some particular type of behaviour - all in all, limiting their

Monday, October 28, 2019

Australian National Identity Essay Example for Free

Australian National Identity Essay According to Zimmermann there are as many legal systems as there are national states. Every country has its own unique legal system. However, we can allocate among them three main legal systems. These are: Civil Law, Common Law and Islamic Law. Civil and Common Laws are the most influential legal systems in the world, especially in its Western part. All three of these legal systems have existed and developed for many centuries. Further will follow the description of the historically appearance of each legal system separately. Civil legal system is considered to be the oldest and the most widespread one. It also known as Continental, Roman or Romano-Germanic law. In general, Roman law consists of a combination of three main subtraditions such as Roman Civil Law, Canon Law and Commercial Law. The development of Roman Law cover more than a thousand year period, starting from the publication of the law of the XII Tables in Rome (450 B. C. ) and the code of Emperor Justinian I Corpus Juris Civilic , which was created in period from 529 – 534 A. D and later developed by medieval legal scholars. Countries with Civil legal system: France, Germany, Japan, Russia and Uzbekistan. The Common law evolved in England since 11th century after being conquered by the Normans in 1066 A. D.. Afterwards William I the Conqueror created central government and began to standardize the law by combining the best of Anglo-Saxon law with Norman Law which led to a creation of English Common Law. â€Å"William’s enduring legacy was the creation of highly centralized legal system†. [1] (Kritzer, H, M, 2002). The case law originally appeared when the King understood, that many cases, which he had to solve were similar and needed standardization. During the 14th century legal decisions on the common law started providing precedents for the judges to follow. In 1769 Sir William Blackstone wrote Commentaries on the Laws of England, which became the basics of the most common law statutes. These are countries with common legal system: England, United States of America, Australia, Canada, Pakistan, and India. The Islamic Law is called Sharia. The primary sources of Islamic Law are Qur’an and Sunnah. Sharia covers all aspects of every day life of Muslims, including such things as: economics, family and social issues. The legal systems in the World are divided into three main groups: Common, Civil and Islamic legal system, as it was discussed earlier. According to Zweigert, K. and Kotz, H. there are five main differences this two legal systems can be compared: historical background, legal investigation, legal institutions, the sources of law and last one is its ideology. Civil and Common legal systems have both similarities and differences. The main difference between these two legal systems is that common law in England was based on customs, the court existed a long time before there were any written laws. In contrast, the Civil Law developed from ancient Roman Law of Justinian I The second difference is the role of sources of law. At present time there are such sources of law as codes, legislation, customs, judicial decisions (case law), equity and doctrinal writing. Each legal system has several sources from those which were mentioned above. For instance, as De Cruz (2007) points out â€Å"the main sources of law in Civil law countries are the codes, enacted law, doctrinal writing, custom and decided cases. †[2] Civil legal system is codified statutory system, where the main principles and rules are stated in codes. This means that codes and statutes are valued higher and case law is considered just as a secondary source of law. On the other hand the Common law system is uncodified, â€Å"governed by case law and statutes play only an auxiliary role to precedents established by courts†[3](Kritzer, H M, 2002). Equity and case law are accepted sources of law in Common law countries. They do not exist in Civil law jurisdiction. Equity is understood not only as justice but is also considered as a set of legal principles, which are applied in Common legal system. Equity deals with â€Å"situations by applying notions of good sense and fairness†. [4] (Elliott, C Quinn, F, 1996). The law is dominantly created by judge and often without checking the legislation, only by drawing analogy the previous similar cases. This moment shows the difference of the legislators in civil law and in common law. In the civil law, judges should apply the law, which was created by the legislator, on the basis of separation of powers. On the other hand, in common law the judge is given the power to create the law. Another difference between civil and common law system is the force of precedents. In civil law system, the court decides the particular cases according to the legislation and legal norms. But in the common law the courts are supposed not only to solve the cases, but also give an example of how similar cases have to be solved in the future. This means, that decisions, which are made by higher level courts in a specific areas are binding the lower ones to follow them. This makes the court in the common law the basis of legislation. Court procedures are also differentiating in both civil and common legal systems. We all know that at the court two parties cooperate by presenting their evidence to each other. Civil legal system has an inquisitorial procedure. In inquisitorial procedure the judge is the active person, who also takes more investigative role. Common law countries use the accusatorial system, which is also known as the adversary procedure. † The common law principle which places the responsibility for collecting and presenting evidence on the party who seeks to introduce that evidence. †[5] (Woodley, M, 2005). In accusatorial procedure judge is a passive person in comparison with the inquisitorial procedure. Moreover, the last word in court procedure (Civil legal system) has the defendant, whereas in Common law the last world has the prosecutor. Next difference would be legal institutions. It can be seen on the following examples. Trust is a branch of law which exist in Common law countries, significantly developed in England. It regulates relationship between trust and trustee. Trust is the person who delegates their ownership, whereas trustee is the person who owns trusts’ proprieties due to many reasons (e.g. underage) The principle of presumption of innocence works differently in Common and Civil law in criminal cases. In Common law it means that a person is innocent until his gilt is proven by the prosecutor and by the facts he presents. On the other hand in civil legal system, it suggests that a person is found to be guilty until he proved that he is innocent. Convergence theory is a system, when one particular country has a mixed legal system. Mixed jurisdiction in recent time, became a subject of huge debates and discussions in European Union. This is happening because, EU has united many countries with different legal systems under a single legislation. So now EU is becoming an area of convergence, where two major legal systems, civil legal system of the continental Europe and common legal system of England, are getting mixed with each other. But this kind of situation with the mixed jurisdictions did not occur only in European Union. Louisiana and Quebec are examples of mixed jurisdiction systems. Before being a part of USA, Louisiana was a French colony since 1731 till its cession to Spain in 1763. In this period of time Louisiana had a French legal system. But after its cession, French law was replaced by Spanish Law. The Spanish law included â€Å"Nueva Recopilacion de Castilla (1567) and the Recopilacion de Leyes de los Reinos de las Indias (a rearrangement of major legal texts up to 1680), and, in default of a specific rule in a later enactment, the Siete Partidas (a compilation of laws, based on the Justinian compilation and the doctrine of the Glossators, made under King Alfonso X in 1265 and formally enacted under King Alfonso XI in 1348)† (Tetley,W., 2000). On 20 December of 1803 Louisiana became part of United States of America. USA had a common law legal system. The mixture of common and civil law systems lead to a misinterpretation of laws, because all other codes were written in different languages. That is why, Edward Livingston in 1808 created a â€Å"Louisiana civil code†, which was approved by the major advocates of common law. In 1825 the Louisiana civil code was modified by adding missing force and was organized similarly with French Civil Code. The third civil code was evolved in 1870. The complete edition of all three codes was published in 1938. Starting from 1976 Louisiana’s State University is now responsible for the Louisiana civil code. Another striking example of the mixed of jurisdictions, would be Quebec. For a long time before being ceded by the Great Britain, Quebec was the part of France, and called le Canada. This means that in Quebec was under French Civil Legal system. After cession with Great Britain, the legal systems got mixed, and this lead to a confusion of the applicable law. The French population boycotted the new English law. To make some clarifications were made by creating a Quebec Act 1774, which combined both civil and common legal systems. In 1791 The Constitutional act divided Quebec into Upper Canada, with common law system and Lower Canada with civil law. Nowadays Canada still has a mixed jurisdiction The mixed jurisdiction is, in my opinion, a myth, but many countries are trying to reach the convergence between these two main legal systems. As I stated before, some countries already have mixed jurisdiction, but this mixture often leads to some misunderstandings and confusions to the legal authorities of the country. Convergence theory is a myth, but as long as developed countries will try to mix both of these legal systems, it can become reality. Bibliography Books: 1. De Cruz, P. , (1999). Comparative law in a changing world. 2nd ed. GB: Cavendish Publishing Ltd. 2. Elliott, C Quinn, F. , (1996). English legal system. New York: Addison Wesley Longman 3. Tetley, W. , (2000). Mixed jurisdiction: Common Law vs. Civil Law (Codified and Uncodified). USA: Louisiana Law Review. 4. Woodley, M. , (2005). Osborn’s Concise law dictionary. 10th ed. London : Sweet Maxwell 5. Kritzer, H M, (2002). Legal systems of the world. California : ABC-CLIO 6. Zweigert, K. and Kotz, H. , (1998). An introduction to comparative law. 3rd ed. New York: Oxford University Press. Internet Sources: 1. Pejovic, C. ,(2001). Civil Law and Common Law: Two different paths leading to the same goal. [online] Available from: [Accessed 17 March 2009]. 2. Radford University. Description and History of Common Law [online]. Available from: http://www. runet. edu/~junnever/law/commonlaw. htm [Accessed 18 March 2009]. 3. Common Law vs. Civil Law. [online] Available from: [Accessed 17 March 2009] 4. Rial, J. S. , (2002). Origins of Common Law. [online] Available from: [Accessed 17 March 2009] 5. The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, (2007). Corpus Juris Civilic. [online] Columbia University Press. Available from: http://www. infoplease. com/ce6/society/A0813641. html [Accessed 16 March 2009]. 6. Law. com Dictionary. Common Law. [online]. Available from: http://dictionary. law. com/definition2. asp? selected=248 [Accessed 17 March 2009] [1] Kritzer, H M, 2002, Legal systems of the world, volume I A-D, ABC-CLIO, California. [2] De Cruz, P, 2007, Comparative law in a changing world, 3d edn, Routledge-Cavendish, Oxon. [3] Kritzer, H M, 2002, Legal systems of the world, volume I A-D, ABC-CLIO, California. [4] Elliott, C Quinn, F, 1996, English legal system, Addison Wesley Longman, New York. [5] Woodley, M, 2005, Osborn’s Concise law dictionary, 10th edn, Sweet Maxwell, London.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

In this essay, I am going to write about the social and historical

In this essay, I am going to write about the social and historical context of Of Mice and Men, and how the dreams of certain people in the ranch went wrong and ended in tragedy. In this essay, I am going to write about the social and historical context of 'Of Mice and Men', and how the dreams of certain people in the ranch went wrong and ended in tragedy. Most of the characters in 'Of Mice and Men' admit, at one point or another, to dreaming of a different life. Before her death, Curley's wife confesses her desire to be a movie star. Crooks allows himself the for the fantasy of hoeing a patch of garden on Lennie's farm one day, and Candy latches on desperately to George's vision of owning a couple of acres. John Steinbeck wrote this novel because he wanted people to realise the consequences of the great American depression between 1930 and 1940. It showed how people interacted with each other and it showed the misery of the economical depression and how poor and different race people were treated. In 'Of Mice and Men' Steinbeck describes how punishing and challenging the life of migrant farmers could be. Just as George and Lennie dream of a better life on their own farm, these farmers dreamed of finding a better life in their world. The state where they lived promised a climate for a longer growing season and it offered more opportunities to harvest crops. Despite these promises, very few found it to be the land of opportunity and plenty of which they dreamed. George and Lennie are migrant American labourers. George protects his friend from the insecure world and shares with him a dream of one day settling down and farming their own land to live a better life. The farm that George describes to Len... ... why, even though he has reason to doubt George and Lennie's talk about the farm that they want to own, Crooks cannot help but ask if there might be room for him to come along and hoe in the garden. However, his desires would never come true because of the time he lived, a time where such dreams for him were impossible to become a reality. All of these dreams were typically American dreams where dreamers wish for untarnished happiness, for the freedom to follow their own desires. George and Lennie's dream of owning a farm, which would enable them to sustain themselves, and, most important, offer them protection from an inhospitable world, represents typically American ideal. Their journey, which awakens George to the impossibility of this dream, sadly proves that Crooks is right that such paradise of freedom and safety are not to be found in this world.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Higher education Essay

†¢Assignment # 2 – Comprehensive Case: â€Å"Muffler Magic† Read the â€Å"Muffler Magic† case and write a four-to-five (4-5) page report that answers the following: 1. Specify three (3) recommendations about the functions of recruiting, selection, and training that you think Ron Brown should be addressing with his HR manager now. Currently you’re allowing your HR to hire employees without â€Å"carefully screening each and every candidate, checking their references and work ethic† due to such a high demand of staff. Envitably, you’re higher mediocre applicants for more than mediocre pay and at the risk of your name and overall profitability. Being able to answer minimal questions shouldn’t be enough to be hired as a technician and questions such as â€Å"what do you think the problem is if a 2001 Camery is overheating? What would you do? † should not be enough to secure a position within the company. Muffler Magic offers a range of products and services and engine issues is merely one of the many situations an employee may come across. How do these types of generic questions answer if your applicant is able to fulfill the requirements for â€Å"muffler replacements, oil changes, and brake jobs†? Obviously, from looking at the handful of situational mishaps you’ve described your HR department is merely hiring whoever walks into the office and in return you’re given inaccurate and potentially life threatening break jobs and repairs out of the companies pocket. This is not acceptable and it is no wonder why the company isn’t profiting. One of the reasons behinds why you don’t necessarily want to adapt or change some crucial points within the company is the money. If you broke down one instance where there was an error made by one of your associates, take the engine for instance a new engine can cost any consumer somewhere in the ballpark of $2,000 to $4,000*–not including the benefits or any extra perks. Now lets say that one of these errors happened in every single store then you’re looking at $50,000+ worth of mistakes coming out of Magic Mufflers pocket (keep in mind that estimated figure is from 1 mistake). With that type of money, I would imagine you could hire and appropriately train quite a few applicants that would be worth your time and money. I would recommend changing your recruiting, selecting and training standards immediately. Starting with the recruiting aspect of Magic Muffler. Instead of allowing the applicants come  to you, why don’t we go above and beyond and seek the preferred applicant. We can still advertise through local newspapers and internet, but we really should be seeking out those employees that have some kind of responsibility and potential retainability. The one major thing I didn’t see in the recruiting process you’re currently using is zoning in on what type of candidate are you looking for–in terms of education level and experience level based upon the types of work they will be working on. One of the huge factors to remember is â€Å"Presently, vehicles use high-tech computers and complex electronic systems to monitor the performance of the vehicle. A strong sense of understanding concerning the operation of a vehicle, including how each device interacts, as well as the ability to deal with electronic diagnostic equipment and digital reference manuals is key to the success of a technician†(http://www. careeroverview. com/auto-mechanic-careers. html) Therefore, Magic Muffler is in need of a qualified individual that is capable of working with UTD automotive machinery and possible situations that could arise. Therefore Magic Muffler should be spending their money recruiting individuals that â€Å"have successfully completed a vocational training program in automotive service technology†(ie:Automotive Youth Education Service (AYES)). For a more advanced position they will need ,in addition to vocational training, stoma kind of â€Å"Postsecondary automotive technician training† whether through a prior company, community college or technical college. Finally other â€Å"qualifications you should be focused on while recruiting is â€Å"the ability to diagnose the source of a problem quickly and accurately, good reasoning ability and a thorough knowledge of automobiles, strong communication and analytical skills and good reading, mathematics, and computer skills to study technical manuals† with the drive to continuously keep up with new technology and learn new service and repair procedures and specifications. † To find these types of applicants I would recommend some type of college recruiting; starting with on campus recruiting and then continuing the recuriting process with an onsite visit. Continuing with the selection process, I think its quite obvious that we should be focusing on a Personality Profile Analysis, which applicants can perform online and follow this up with a PPA(200 HRM BOOK). If you chose not to go that route you can always focus on tests of cognitive abilities (more specifically aptitude testing and motor/physical abilities). If these test’s pan out then we should go forward with a background check/reference check. This may seem to be an overwhelming process, but finding the perfect candidates is essential to low turnover rates and high satisfaction level across the board. The next step is to select the applicants that you are satisfied with their performance on the tests, interview and background check. After applicants are chosen and hired, we need to start with an orientation of the company and its overall goals and next is training. Although OTJ training does offer a lot to the employee it is not enough for these types of positions. Considering car technology is constantly advancing there needs to a need to continuously further your mechanics knowledge. As a responsible employer you should send your â€Å"experienced automotive service technicians to manufacturer training centers to learn to repair new models or to receive special training in the repair of components, such as electronic fuel injection or air-conditioners† and even beginner mechanics who show potential may be sent â€Å"to manufacturer-sponsored technician training programs to upgrade or maintain employees’ skills†. There are of course crucial training necessary, which cannot be offered OTJ and that is electronics training. This is vital because electrical components, or a series of related components, account for nearly all malfunctions in modern vehicles†. As the employee continues to thrive the company should offer additional training for possible certifications or advancement opportunities. For example: the â€Å"ASE certification has become a standard credential for automotive service technicians. While not mandatory for work in automotive service, certification is common for all experienced technicians in large, urban areas. Certification is available in eight different areas of automotive service, such as electrical systems, engine repair, brake systems, suspension and steering, and heating and air-conditioning. For certification in each area, technicians must have at least 2 years of experience and pass the examination. Completion of an automotive training program in high school, vocational or trade school, or community or junior college may be substituted for 1 year of experience. For ASE certification as a Master Automobile Technician, technicians must pass all eight examinations†. *http://www. ehow. com/facts_4830630_cost-car-engine-replacement. html 2. Write three (3) questions for a structured interview form that Ron Brown’s service center managers can use to interview experienced technicians. (Note: do not list possible answers. ) As I had said previously asking generic questions are not going to offer you the results in which most employers desire. There are a couple of things that should be kept in mind when creating these questions such as; which type of questions would be more effective in displaying the qualities Muffler Magic desires? Considering HR already has a lot to do with the hiring process, I think the appropriate form of interview would be a structured situational interview. After analyzing the positions and rating the jobs main duties, we would need to create questions reflecting such duties and daily knowledge to perform them. Three questions I would use to â€Å"test the waters† would be: What training(classroom or on the job), have you had with engine, transmission or brake diagnostic equipment? Identify the diagnostic program and was it computer and software based? Have you worked with engine, transmission or brake diagnostic equipment – computer and software? What was the diagnostic program and what was your involvement? What experience, knowledge, and skill do you have with air brake systems, anti lock, and heavy-duty truck suspensions? Relate your experience and describe your skills working with school bus, heavy-duty trucks, light duty pick-up truck, and van bodies/Relate your experience and describe your skills working with heavy and medium-duty diesel and gasoline-powered engines and light-duty pick-up truck and van engines. (www. msbo. org/library/HumanRes/Interview/Mech. doc).

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Compare and Contrast ‘Sonnet 130’ with ‘Blessing’

Compare and Contrast ‘Sonnet 130’ with ‘Blessing’ In this essay I am going to discuss and explore ‘Sonnet 130’ by William Shakespeare and ‘Blessing’ by Imtiaz Dharker. I will focus on the differences and similarities between both poems in terms of language, themes and poetic devices. I feel that ‘Sonnet 130’ seems to imply the fact that Shakespeare is insulting his Mistress. He does so by saying what she is not. He says negative things about her appearance and voice. The ‘Blessing’ poem is about people and children in a slum and their reaction towards water.They believe it as the ‘Voice of a kindly god’ because they hardly get any water in the slum. Water is rare to them. The poems are similar in that they are both descriptive poems. The ‘Blessing’ by Dharker describes how the people in the slum would react and feel if there was a sudden outburst of water. As I have mentioned befor e water is rare to them and they feel it is a gift from god. We know this because in the poem it says ‘imagine the drip of it, the small splash, echo in a tin mug, the voice of a kindly god. In this stanza he is describing how rarely they get water and how much they believe just the sound of it makes them feel like it’s the sound of a kindly god. However, in ‘Sonnet 130’ Shakespeare is describing his mistress and how awful she looks and sounds. We know this because in Sonnet ‘130’ he says ‘I have seen roses damasked, red and white, But no such roses do I see in her cheeks. ’ By this line he is stating that ‘damasked roses’, meaning large and fragrant roses, are not what his Mistress’ cheeks are like.Another example is ‘And in some perfumes there is more delight, than in the breath that from my mistress reeks’. Shakespeare is saying that in perfume there is more delight in smelling it rather than his mistress’ breath which he says reeks-foul smelling. A difference between the two poems in terms of language is that Shakespeare uses old English as he was a poet, playwright in the 16th and 17th century whereas Dharker is a more of a modern day poet. For instance ‘That music hath a far more pleasing sound’. In this line Shakespeare uses the word ‘hath’ which is the old English word for ‘has’.But Dharker uses words that are from the modern day. Another similarity between the two poems is that both poems use enjambment. In Shakespeare’s sonnet the enjambment falls between the lines ‘And in some perfumes there is more delight than in the breath that from my mistress reeks. ’ After the word ‘delight’ the rest of the sentence is on another line. Then after the word ‘reeks’ there is a fullstop where the enjambment ends. A difference between both the poems is that Dharker’s poem is a normal poem and Shakespeare’s poem is a sonnet.A sonnet is a poem with fourteen lines that has a unique rhythm called an iambic pentameter. However Dharker’s poem is a normal poem that describes people’s reaction to water in a slum. Similes are used in both these poems. A simile is when you compare one thing to another thing that is common and easy to picture in your mind. In other words a good poetic device used to create an image in your head. In ‘Blessing’ Dharker uses the simile ‘The skin cracks like a pod. ’ Dharker means that, because there is hardly ever any water in the slum the ground cracks like a pod.By using a simile he has compared the ground to something common and created an image in my head. Shakespeare uses many similes in ‘Sonnet 130’. One of many examples is ‘My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun’. He is saying that his mistress’ eyes aren’t shiny and beautiful like the sun in fact they are the complete opposite. Both poems also use metaphors. A metaphor is a poetic device that is used to compare two things. It does so by comparing something to something else that is literally not possible. For example in Shakespeare’s poem he says ‘Coral s far more red, than her lips. ’ Shakespeare is explaining that his mistress’ lips are nothing like the coral. He is comparing it to coral because coral is red and having red lips is good but his mistress does not have nice lips. In ‘Blessing’ a example of a metaphor is ‘naked children screaming in the liquid sun’. By the words ‘liquid sun’ she means they feel as if heat is being poured over them and that’s why they have been longing for water. The theme of the poem ‘Blessing’, meaning the central idea or the main focus, is how people and children feel and react when they see water.It also focus’ on why they react this way an d how they feel when water is not there and how they are praying for it and when they finally do get water, they feel as if their prayers have been answered. We know this because in the second stanza they say ‘imagine the drip of it, the small splash, echo in a tin mug, the voice of a kindly god. ’ This stanza is explaining that when they hear the sound of water they feel as if it is the sound of a kindly god. However the theme of Shakespeare’s poem is totally different to the theme of ‘Blessing’. The theme of Shakespeare poem is him insulting his Mistress and how grotesque she looks.We know this because in his sonnet all of his lines are insults. For instance, ‘If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head. ’ He says that, if wires could grow on people’s heads then that is what is growing on his Mistress’ head. Overall I think that both these poems have used a range of poetic devices. There stanzas and line are relevant to their theme. I have discovered that both poems have a number of similarities and differences between them. They both have a good use of imagery and they are easy to understand. By Geerthana Sankar 8GR1 6C

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Real Swaraj will not come by the acquisition Essays

The Real Swaraj will not come by the acquisition Essays "The Real Swaraj will not come by the acquisition of authority by a few but by the acquisition capacity by all to resist authority when abused." -Mahatma Gandhi Introduction India is a democratic country. The head of the country is elected by the people of the country. The Government of the country possesses the authority to work for the welfare of the country on behalf of the people. The final decision making power regarding the welfare of the country is in the hands of Government. The people of the country want to know how the government is functioning. People have many questions regarding the functioning of the government. So, to answer all the questions of the people, the Parliament passed a new Bill known as "The Right to Information Act, 2005". The Bill was presented in Parliament on 22nd December, 2004. After intense debate till 15th June, 2005, it was finally passed on 15th June 2005 and came into force on 12th October, 2005. The Right to Information Act aimed at ensuring transparency in the functioning of Central State Governments. The Act provides for setting out the practical regime of right to information for the people to secure access to information under the control of public authorities to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, the Central Information Commission and State Information Commissions have been constituted for this purpose. Before passing of this Act, Disclosure of Government Information in India was governed by a law enacted during the British rule named as Official Secrets Act of 1889 which was amended in 1923. After 1923, it has taken India 82 years to transition from an opaque system of governance, legitimized by the colonial Official Secrets Act, to one where citizens can demand the right to information. The Right to Information is derived from our fundamental right of freedom of speech and expression under Article 19 of the Constitution of India. It says, " All the citizens shall have the right to freedom of speech and expression. " The main idea is that if the people do not have any information regarding the functioning of the Government and public institutions, then people cannot expr ess any informed opinion on it. For such a democracy to function, Freedom of Press is necessary to be understood first. The main reason for a free press is to ensure that the citizen s are informed. Thus, it clearly flows from this that the citizens' right to know is paramount. The date of 12th October, 2005 shall be remembered as a new era of empowerment for the common man i n India. It is applicable every where except JK. MEANING OF INFORMATION- Information means any material in any form including records, documents, memos, e-mails, opinions, advices, press releases, circulars, orders, logbooks, contracts, reports, papers, samples, models, data material held in any electronic form and information relating to any private body which can be accessed by a public authority under any other law for the time being in force. The formal recognition of a legal Right to Information in India occurred more than two decades before legislation was finally enacted, when the Supreme Court of India ruled in State of U.P. v Raj Narain that the Right to Information is implicit in the right to freedom of speech and expression explicitly guaranteed in Article 19 of the Indian Constitution. Subsequently, the Court has affirmed this decision in numerous cases, and has even linked the Right to Information with the right to life enshrined in Article 21 of the Constitution. The RTI Act, which if used sensibly and efficiently can take the country in the direction of new democracy and good governance. "If liberty and equality, as is thought by some are chiefly to be found in democracy, they will be best attained when all persons alike share in the government to the utmost". RTI is perceived as a key to strengthen participatory democracy and ushering in people-centered governance. With access to information on their side, people can function better as an informed and responsible citizenry - investigating and scrutinizing government actions and reviewing the performance of their elected representatives with a view to seriously holding

Monday, October 21, 2019

Network Security Problems Analysis Essay

Network Security Problems Analysis Essay Network Intrusion Analysis Essay Example Network Intrusion Analysis Essay Example The problem of selection of reliable data sources for the process of digital forensics investigation is particularly relevant nowadays, with each type of computer-related crime relying on a specific set of such sources. In particular, in the case of network intrusion, user accounts, operation and intrusion detection systems, as well as the logs of Internet providers are the most useful sources of information. For malware installation, the investigators are likely to find the evidence that they require by analyzing system data, the storage of intrusion detection system, and the information provided by a virtual machine. Finally, in the case of insider file deletion, the investigation has to rely on hard disks and network storages as the primary sources of useful data. Common Network Security Problems Computer-related crimes are among the consequences of mass computerization of the society. The integration of modern information technologies in almost all areas of human activity has led to the fact that many traditional crimes (e.g. appropriation, theft, fraud, counterfeiting, etc.) are being committed with the help of computers. Crimes associated with the use of computer technology present a serious threat to any company or individual. In order to identify the offenders responsible for this damage, a special procedure called digital forensics investigation is conducted. On the contrary to the usual process that involves the gathering of evidence by questioning the witnesses, it relies on the information obtained from the digital sources. However, the quality and reliability of the gathered data may vary depending on the situation, which may affect the course of the investigation. As a result, the problem of selection of data sources for solving a computer-related crime becomes esp ecially relevant. Therefore, the following research focuses on identification of the most valuable data sources that can be used in different cases of computer-related crimes (network intrusion, malware installation, and insider file deletion). Additionally, it classifies them in terms of their usefulness to investigators. The network intrusion is the process of unauthorized access to the network that is mostly conducted with a malicious intent. The risks of such an activity are related to the devastating effects of the loss of time and money as a result of damage or theft of the important information and resources. The attackers can gain access to the network by exploiting vulnerabilities in software, hardware, or even attack by using such refined techniques as guessing other users’ logins and passwords. An attacker that gains access to the network becomes the source of the four following types of threats: Data theft; Identity theft; Data loss and data manipulation; Termination of service. In case of such an event, it is possible to distinguish several data sources that are of the most significant value for the digital forensics investigation. They include user accounts, the operation system itself, the intrusion detection system, and the records kept by the providers of web services. User Accounts The user accounts provide the most valuable information for the digital forensics investigation. In particular, the security measures of the majority of private networks involve the use of complex passwords that are to be changed regularly, the constant update of the list of registered users, and the limited amount of the incorrect attempts to enter the system. As a result, the possibility of the intrusion is lowered since it is impossible to log in to the network by using a fake account. Still, in case such an event has occurred, the audit of the existing user accounts may allow to identify the source of the intrusion, i.e., a particular account used by the attacker, thus narrowing the field of search. In turn, this information may provide investigators with hints regarding the ways of obtaining access to network, the timeline of the event, i.e., the time of logging in and out, the ways of misusing the account data, and so on. In other words, this data source defines the direction o f the entire process of investigation (Fichera Bolt, 2013). As a result, in terms of network intrusion, user accounts and the results of their audit are the most valuable of the listed sources of information. Operation System The information that is collected from the operation system, i.e., live system data, is also of high value for the digital forensics investigation. By reviewing it, it is possible to define the following details of the intrusion. First of all, the analysis of the system logs may provide the information on the password that the attacker used to access the network. In turn, this allows to define whether the user account was hacked or the password to it was simply stolen. Next, the analysis of system data may give insight into the nature of manipulations performed by the attacker within the network. In particular, the criminal may pursue specific goals by obtaining access to it. For example, in the case of a single event of data theft, the system logs are likely to contain the information on copying certain files. On the other hand, in case the offender’s primary goal was data manipulation or termination of the system (the events that usually require several intrusions), it is li kely that certain software will be altered or replaced to utilize the weaknesses of the system and simplify the consequent intrusions. For example, the attacker may replace the original application layer protocol with a modified one that allows remote access to the system, which means that the intrusions will be occurring on a regular basis (Casey, 2010). As a result, the information on the nature of manipulations within the system may help define the motives of the crime, thus simplifying the process of identification of the attacker. All these facts allow to rank the aspect of system data second in the list of the most valuable sources for the digital forensics investigation. Indeed, its analysis allows to discover the files and systems that were altered as a result of intrusion, as well as define the way used by the attacker to access the network. Intrusion Detection System Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is a hardware or software designed to detect the facts of unauthorized access to a computer system or network or their unauthorized management. IDS provides an additional level of security of computer systems by alerting the administrators of any abnormalities in the work of the network. The typical IDS includes a sensor subsystem for collecting the events related to the security of the protected system, analytical subsystem designed to detect attacks and suspicious activity on the basis of sensor data, and storage providing the accumulation of primary events and analysis. In most cases, the analysis preformed by IDS is based on the principle of signature matching: the system refers to the dictionary of the known attack signatures. In case any part of the attack pattern complies with the existing signature, the system makes an attempt to halt it and warns the administrator of a threat. However, in order to achieve the maximum efficiency of this method , it is necessary to replenish the dictionary of the signatures on a regular basis. At the same time, the attack patterns used by the offenders are becoming more sophisticated, meaning that even the newest signatures cannot guarantee complete protection of the network. In turn, this results in an increased amount of false alarms on the part of IDS (Casey, 2010). Still, the data from the storage of IDS, namely the alarms, can be useful for investigation, provided it is sorted. By filtering all the false alarms, it is possible to use the remaining information for the analysis of the less developed system logs and search for the clues on the nature of the attack. In particular, the use of IDS data makes it possible to obtain additional details about the connection used by the attacker and thus prevent the consequent attempts of intrusion. In some cases, it also allows to pinpoint the direction of the traffic, thus simplifying the process of identification of the attacker. However, such an analysis requires comprehensive knowledge of operation systems and hacking techniques, as well as the presence of logs of diagnostic tools. As a result, IDS can be placed on the third place in terms of its value to the digital forensics investigation of network intrusion: it provides useful information that may affect the course of investigation significantly, but its identification and isolation from the pool of unnecessary data requires great efforts on the part of investigators. The Records of the Providers of Web Services In order to organize and conduct their attacks on networks, the offenders must use web services (the Internet connection, messengers, etc.). As a result, by turning to the providers of these services, it is possible to acquire the information on the timeline of their use by the hackers at the time of event. Nevertheless, providers may collect such data as names and e-mail addresses of their clients as well as their payment information, e.g. data on credit cards and bank accounts. In the case of Internet providers, it is also possible to obtain IP addresses of the potential offenders at the time of the event, in case the dynamic IP is used. All this information can be employed to prove either involvement or non-involvement of the potential offenders in the act of network intrusion. However, each of the providers has a different policy regarding the consumers’ data collection, meaning that it is difficult to obtain consistent information in this way. Moreover, there is no guaran tee that the obtained information is reliable. As a result, the records of the providers of web services are ranked fourth and last in terms of their value to the digital forensics investigation. Malware Installation Malware is any software designed to gain unauthorized access to the resources of the computer or network. Currently, there are tens of thousands of such programs, with the new ones being created on a regular basis. Malware may cause serious damage to corporate networks, email systems, and web sites by using their different vulnerabilities. Its installation may result in the following negative effects: The interference to the processes of the infected system (the block of antivirus software and administrative functions of the operating system as well as the sabotage of the computer-controlled processes); The installation of another malicious software (either by downloading it from the network or unpacking another malicious program already contained within the file); Theft, fraud, extortion, and spying on the user (theft of accounts of various services and payment systems as well as key logging); Other illegal activities (an unauthorized access to the resources of the computer, the organization of DDoS-attacks, etc.) (Sikorski Honig, 2012). In the case of malware installation, such data sources as the operation system itself, IDS, and virtual machine are of the highest usefulness for the digital forensics investigation. Operation System The volatile data collected from the running operation system, specifically the one obtained at the time of malware installation, allows to conduct a search for hidden files that were integrated into the system by malware. In this regard, the alternate data streams present the highest value for investigators. Moreover, the analysis of such components of the system as drivers and applications as well as the executed services and processes may help identify the type of malware and its source (Sikorski Honig, 2012). The usefulness of this data becomes even higher in case investigators were able to discover the fact of malware installation before it was finished. The primary reason for that is the fact that they may collect and analyze the data on it without alerting the criminal. As a result, the process of identification of the offender is simplified. At the same time, the discovery of the fact of malware installation often requires a comprehensive analysis of the potentially infected system. As was mentioned before, new types of malware are being developed regularly, meaning that even the use of the most advanced diagnostic tools does not guarantee the absence of false alarms or critical failures, for example, the malware is not detected until it causes irreparable damage to the system (Casey, 2010). Nevertheless, all the above mentioned facts allow to consider the operating system as the most valuable source of information for the digital forensics investigation of the malware installation case. Intrusion Detection System As was mentioned before, IDS identifies and blocks threats, including malware, on the basis of signature matching principles. As a result, the data obtained from its storage may be used to identify the type of malware as well as the attack pattern used by the offender. Moreover, after obtaining the volatile data collected from the running operation system, it is possible to compare it with the existing signatures in the dictionary of IDS and define whether the installed malware has any specific features, for example, downloader, dropper, etc. (Sikorski Honig, 2012). In turn, this information may provide evidence on the goals of the attacker. At the same time, there is no guarantee that the log of IDS will be free of false alarms or that the system will detect the attempt to install malware. Moreover, comparing signatures and volatile data, the amount of information may be overwhelming, which may slow the process of investigation (Marshall, 2008). Considering the mentioned issues as well as the fact that IDS can be used to its full extent only after the analysis of the volatile system data, it is possible to rank it as the second useful source of information for the digital forensics investigation of the malware installation case. Virtual Machine In the case of malware installation, investigators often have to examine the principles of operation of the harmful software and determine the potential threat that it contains by using a virtual machine. It is a software and/or hardware system that emulates the hardware of a target platform and executes the programs for a target platform on the host platform. It can also virtualize a particular platform and create the environments that isolate programs and even operating systems from each other on its basis (Barrett Kipper, 2010). The virtual machine allows to examine the behavior of malware in different conditions and gives an opportunity to return to any stage of the malware installation process as well as change its pace. In turn, it may provide evidence on the type of files that the program tries to modify or delete, the information that it tries to collect as well as the final destination of the stolen data (Sikorski Honig, 2012). As a result, it may provide insight either in to the motives of the attacker or his location, thus speeding the process of investigation. At the same time, the virtual machine cannot always act as a perfect replica of an operating system. As a result, the likelihood of it being discovered by the attackers increases, meaning that they will take safety measures, thus slowing the process of investigation. Moreover, it may not always provide a sufficient environment for the analysis (Barrett Kipper, 2010). Considering all these facts, it is possible to rank it third in the list of the most useful data sources for the digital forensics investigation of the malware installation case. Insider File Deletion Insider file deletion is a threat that emanates from the people within the organization, such as its current and former employees, contractors, and business partners that have information on security practices within it as well as the data and computer systems. Insiders may have passwords that give them legal access to the system. Moreover, they are often familiar with the data and intellectual property of the organization as well as the methods used to protect them. As a result, they can circumvent the entire security system. Physical proximity to the data means that insiders do not need to break through the organizational network by passing the outer perimeter firewalls. Due to the fact that they often have a legitimate access to the information, the file deletion performed by the insiders is difficult to track and prevent (Probst et al., 2010). In this case, such data sources as hard disk drives and network storages are most useful for the digital forensics investigation. Hard Disk Drive Considering that the insider file deletion is usually aimed at non-volatile data, which is not deleted after the shutdown of the system, it is clear that the hard disk drive will be the primary target of the attackers. Despite the fact that the file has been removed completely, i.e., deleted from recycle.bin, only the information regarding its storage sector, path, and create/modify date is erased from the system drive. By using the forensic software, it is possible to recover it, thus nullifying the damage done by the insider and, which is most important, obtaining the evidence on the motives and time of the crime, namely by reviewing the contents of the target file and the time of the deletion (Marshall, 2008). At the same time, the recovery is possible only within a short period of time since the required file data can be overwritten by the system. Moreover, the insider may use specific software to overwrite the mentioned data immediately, meaning it cannot be recovered (Probst et al., 2010). Nevertheless, due to its nature of a primary target, a hard disk drive is the most useful data source for the digital forensics investigation. Network Storage The network storage can be used as a data source in case the deleted file was previously shared with other users. In general, the algorithm of its recovery is based on the search of previous versions of this file. The information obtained from it serves similar purposes. However, in case of network storage, the challenges faced by investigators are more significant due to the overwhelming amounts of information in comparison to that stored on the hard disk drive. Moreover, as in the previous case, the insiders may delete the file permanently or erase the parts of network storage that contain the corresponding information (Lillard et al., 2010). As a result, it ranks second in terms of usefulness to the digital forensics investigation. A significant variety of computer crimes presents a wide array of data sources that can be used during the process of investigation. The types of these sources as well as their usefulness vary depending on the nature of a crime. Still, it is possible to classify them in terms of their value for each specific case, which was demonstrated in the research. However, it should be noted that in most cases, the usefulness of the described data sources depends on the skills and equipment possessed by the investigation team. Moreover, in some cases, for example, the insider file deletion, the preventive measures taken by the attackers can render any of the available data sources useless. As a result, it is clear that the process of digital forensics investigation must be improved on a regular basis to follow the pace of development of the contemporary information technologies.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Battle of Malvern Hill - Civil War Battle of Malvern Hill

Battle of Malvern Hill - Civil War Battle of Malvern Hill Battle of Malvern Hill: Date Conflict: The Battle of Malvern Hill was part of the Seven Days Battles and was fought July 1, 1862, during the American Civil War (1861-1865). Armies Commanders Union Major General George B. McClellanBrigadier General Fitz John Porter80,000 men Confederate General Robert E. Lee80,000 men Battle of Malvern Hill - Background: Beginning on June 25, 1862, Major General George B. McClellans Army of the Potomac was the subject of repeated assaults by Confederate forces under General Robert E. Lee. Falling back from the gates of Richmond, McClellan believed his army to be outnumbered and hastened to retreat to his secure supply base at Harrisons Landing where his army could shelter under the guns of the US Navy in the James River. Fighting an inconclusive action at Glendale (Fraysers Farm) on June 30, he was able to gain some breathing room for his continued withdrawal. Retreating south, the Army of the Potomac occupied a high, open plateau known as Malvern Hill on July 1. Featuring steep slopes on its southern, eastern, and western sides, the position was further protected by swampy terrain and Western Run to the east. The site had been selected the previous day by Brigadier General Fitz John Porter who commanded the Union V Corps. Riding ahead to Harrisons Landing, McClellan left Porter in command at Malvern Hill. Aware that Confederate forces would have to attack from the north, Porter formed a line facing in that direction (Map). Battle of Malvern Hill - The Union Position: Placing Brigadier General George Morells division from his corps on the far left, Porter placed the IV Corps division of Brigadier General Darius Couch to their right. The Union line was further extended to the right by the III Corps divisions of Brigadier General Philip Kearny and Joseph Hooker. These infantry formations were supported by the armys artillery under Colonel Henry Hunt. Possessing around 250 guns, he was able to emplace between 30 to 35 atop the hill at any given point. The Union line was further supported by US Navy gunboats in the river to the south and additional troops on the hill. Battle of Malvern Hill - Lees Plan: To the north of the Union position, the hill sloped down across open space that extended from 800 yards to a mile until reaching the closest tree line. To assess the Union position, Lee met with several of his commanders. While Major General Daniel H. Hill felt that an attack was ill-advised, such an action was encouraged by Major General James Longstreet. Scouting the area, Lee and Longstreet identified two suitable artillery positions that they believed would bring the hill under crossfire and suppress the Union guns. With this done, an infantry assault could move forward. Deploying opposite the Union position, Major General Thomas Stonewall Jacksons command formed the Confederate left, with Hills division in the center astride the Willis Church and Carters Mill Roads. Major General John Magruders division was to form the Confederate right, however it was misled by its guides and was late in arriving. To support this flank, Lee also assigned Major General Benjamin Hugers division to the area as well. The attack was to be led by Brigadier General Lewis A. Armisteads brigade from Hugers Division which was assigned to move forward once the guns had weakened the enemy. Battle of Malvern Hill - A Bloody Debacle: Having devised the plan for the assault, Lee, who was ill, refrained from directing operations and instead delegated the actual fighting to his subordinates. His plan quickly began to unravel when the Confederate artillery, which was strung out back to Glendale, arrived on the field in piecemeal fashion. This was further compounded by confusing orders that were issued by his headquarters. Those Confederate guns that deployed as planned were met with fierce counter-battery fire from Hunts artillery. Firing from 1:00 to 2:30 PM, Hunts men unleashed a massive bombardment that crushed the Confederate artillery. The situation for the Confederates continued to worsen when Armisteads men advanced prematurely around 3:30 PM. This keyed the larger assault as planned with Magruder sending forward two brigades as well. Pushing up the hill, they were met by a maelstrom of case and canister shot from the Union guns as well as heavy fire from the enemy infantry. To aid this advance, Hill began sending troops forward, though refrained from a general advance. As a result, his several small attacks were easily turned back by the Union forces. As the afternoon pressed on, the Confederates continued their assaults with no success. Atop the hill, Porter and Hunt had the luxury of being able to rotate units and batteries as ammunition was expended. Later in the day, the Confederates began attacks towards the western side of the hill where the terrain worked to cover part of their approach. Though they advanced farther than the previous efforts, they too were turned back by the Union guns. The greatest threat came when men from Major General Lafayette McLaws division nearly reached the Union line. Rushing reinforcements to the scene, Porter was able to turn back the attack. Battle of Malvern Hill - Aftermath: As the sun began to set, the fighting died out. During the course of the battle, the Confederates sustained 5,355 casualties while Union forces incurred 3,214. On July 2, McClellan ordered the army to continue its retreat and shifted his men to the Berkeley and Westover Plantations near Harrisons Landing. In assessing the fighting at Malvern Hill, Hill famously commented that: It was not war. It was murder. Though he followed the withdrawing Union troops, Lee was unable to inflict any additional damage. Ensconced in a strong position and backed by the US Navys guns, McClellan began a steady stream of requests for reinforcements. Ultimately deciding that the timid Union commander posed little additional threat to Richmond, Lee began dispatching men north to begin what would become the Second Manassas Campaign. Selected Sources History of War: Battle of Malvern HillBlue Gray Trail: Battle of Malvern HillCWPT: Battle of  Malvern Hill

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Drinking age Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Drinking age - Essay Example Using the research conducted in 2005 by White and Hayman via ‘Australian Secondary School Students and Drug Use Survey’, reports show that approximately 40% out of samples from the 16-17 year-old drinking Australian population confessed that parents bear chief influence in alcoholic consumption. Additionally, such findings had no substantial variance from among those who obtained influence from friends through the peer pressure of drinking on a weekly basis. Still the question remains what age must one be legally allowed to drink and to what extent should it be tolerated relative to other forms of addiction. White and Hayman (2006) examined whether parental control of drinking may be attributed to the occurrence of risky drinking for short-term harm (RSOD) and alcohol-related difficult behaviors such as physical and verbal assault from a sample of underage drinkers. Research indicates that 86% of adolescents 16-17 years of age are existing alcohol consumers whereas some 20% appear to be weekly RSOD and more than 34% get involved in at least one case of alcohol-linked problem with conduct. Moreover, it is found that mere banning of alcohol drinking for the sake of youth 18 is not practically sufficient. Fresh plans for appropriate mediation and avoidance are apparently essential according to the study of parental supplication that was figured to impact lesser rates of RSOD and alcohol-related social behavior. This rather implies the likelihood that by changing the normal supply of alcohol from the source other than the parents to the parents alone, the shift may bring about good restrict ion to the amount of consumption and injury among the adolescents. However, as much as parental guidance toward alcohol supply control is considered one positive approach, it is quite unexplored and must therefore undergo thorough investigation as promising alternative (Dietze, Livingston,

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Main Difference between Aristotles Account of Virtue and Socrates Essay

The Main Difference between Aristotles Account of Virtue and Socrates Account of Virtue - Essay Example This is because it identifies happiness as an activity of the soul which goes together with virtue. Aristotle argues that if what individuals do is the source of happiness then, happiness must identify with activity which goes with virtue. Socrates argued that being virtuous was very much related with increasing individual’s happiness. The controversy between the two is that according to Aristotle happiness should always go in accordance with virtue. On the same note, according to Socrates virtue does not necessarily need to be highly related with happiness. Aristotle attempts to criticize Socrates for his emphasis on Socratic definitions. Aristotle does not completely agree with the argument by Socrates that knowledge is important in as far as virtue is concerned. He thinks that even if there is need for knowledge it is easily attainable as suggested by Irwin (158). Aristotle also draws the analogy between acquiring knowledge and acquiring virtue. He argues that both are gain ed through repeating similar actions. Socrates argues that a virtuous soul should also be well ordered. He also argues that power of knowledge of right and the wrong is the advantage of virtue. This is because the knowledge of the two is important to crafts of measurement. ... He also argues that knowledge of the truth is not very important as one can act accidentally or be directed by someone else. Aristotle explains that virtuous actions are objective and are performed by a virtuous agent. Aristotle is in disagreement with Socrates concerning the nature of vice and ethical value as suggested by Segvic and Burnyeat (78). According to Aristotle for an action to be considered virtuous there must be an agreement with the non-rational desires. The agreement should be for reason to express the actions are supposed to be pursued. Contrary to this, according to Socrates there is no need for prior agreement by non-rational desires concerning the setting of the ends. Therefore Socrates considers that the condition necessary for an agent to attain moral knowledge is through disciplining his or her appetites and passions. The also need to be in a harmonious condition. Aristotle fails to agree with Socrates about non-rational desires lead to errors. Socrates is of th e view that strong non-rational desires results to reason making wrong judgment about what is really good. On his account of, virtue Aristotle disagrees with Socrates denying the possibility of incontinence. Socrates argues that only ignorance of what is good and wrong lies behind apparent incontinence. Contrary to this, Aristotle asserts that Socrates argument conflicts appearances he Aristotle’s perception of incontinence seems to be puzzling and their interpretation is therefore controversial. Aristotle seems to argue that incontinent individual makes the right decision. This is because he or she is moved to action by non-rational appetite that conflicts with the decisions he or she has made. The individual acts on the appetite because its strong as opposed

Socialgical research paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Socialgical research paper - Essay Example Additionally, other school discipline issues such as drug abuse, cheating, bullying, truancy, disrespect of authority, and minor misdemeanors plague educational institutions, resulting to innumerable classroom and school disruptions, as well as almost two million suspensions yearly. (Hymowitz, 2000) It comes as no surprise then that most schools in the United States have decided to impose a zero tolerance policy-and it is not something new. According to a survey of the U.S. Department of Education at least a decade ago, of more than 1,200 public schools, approximately three-quarters of schools in the United States have reported practicing a version of a no-tolerance policy-"79 percent had zero-tolerance policies against violence, 88 percent for drugs, 91 percent for weapons and 94 percent for firearms." (Witt, 2007) Many schools enforced this policy after the term "zero tolerance" became popular during the last days of Ronald Reagan's "War on Drugs" and was even made more infamous after a series of high-profile high school shootings, the American Psychological Association reported. Such policy, however, does not come without any controversy clinging to it. For one, according to the Journal of Sociology, "sociologists have historically scoffed at this latter (zero tolerance) policy." (Zajdow, 2005) Not only that, this policy has sparked numerous complaints and protests from the public through the years because of what many see as pointlessness of policies, like students being suspended or expelled for carrying a legal, non-prescription drug such as Advil in their backpacks, having pocketknives in cars, and carrying sharp tools beyond a "woodshop" class. In other cases, the policy was known to have come in conflict with religious freedom, such as the carrying of kirpans, a ceremonial dagger or sword that must be carried by baptized Sikhs. (Zero tolerance (schools)) But much worse than the irregularities is the problem of racism in terms of implementing the zero tolerance and discipline in school, according to the American Sociological Association. In fact, though, the United States is seen as the land of the free, reports of much severe punishment for African-American students than their white counterparts are prevalent. (Free, 2004) In a paper entitled "Zero Tolerance Policies and Alternative Education: Where Do We Go from Here" Janese Free states the following: "The recent rise in school violence and prevalence of weapons in the hands of students in the past twenty years has led to implementing new disciplinary policies in schools- most notably, 'zero tolerance policies.' While these seemingly 'get tough on crime' policies remain popular, criticism and skepticism as to their effectiveness and appropriateness increase daily. The implementation of these policies nationwide has resulted in dramatic increases in school exclusions (suspensions and expulsions). Not only are exclusions more prevalent, but research suggests that a disproportionate number of African American and other minority students are being excluded from schools across the country." (Free, 2004) One the questions that I honestly think should be brought to the fore: Why are African-American students punished more severely than children of other ethnic groups As, the data from the U.S. Department of Education show, "on average across the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

New Federalism in USA Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

New Federalism in USA - Research Paper Example This essay stresses that the congress is an important body in the new federalism. The success of the statutory federalism depends on its restraint not to overuse its powers. It is because of the lack of restraint that the courts come in to limit the congressional powers. This can however prove to be less effective. For example, in Brady’s bill, the congress can use its spending powers to achieve the same purpose that it had intended to achieve by using the statute. Similarly, in the case of Lopez, the congress had intended to use the Gun Free School Zones Act to make it criminal possessing guns near the school periphery. The congress could use the commerce clause in this instance to link this law to the interstate commerce. It is for this reason that Ferejohn states that the judicial mechanisms used to regulate congress are blunt tools. Under the commerce clause, as stated the congress has the power to regulate all economic activities that involve the different states. This cl ause gives the congress broad powers over all the commercial interests of the nation. The commerce clause has brought in a lot of debate on the powers of the congress and whether the courts can limit the same powers. This report makes a conclusion that the new federalism has made significant progress in the politics of the United States of America. However, it has been faced with what seems like a tug of war between the congress and the federal government. The judiciary through case law, solves the disputes that may come in. The devolution aspect of the new federalism has greatly shaped the economy of many states as the federal government provides block grants to the states. These block grants are meant to solve various social issues in the states.

Writing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4

Writing - Essay Example At the outset, the proliferation of homelessness in the target population, United Kingdom, solely propels the focus on the subject topic. Additionally, the urge to solve the existent situation after unsuccessful approaches there prior also aids in the evident spotlight on the problems facing homeless people in the United Kingdom. Following to most recent research, figures illustrate a 25% rise in the need for emergency accommodation in the United Kingdom within the past three years. This drastic rise in the need for housing directly reflects to heightened levels of homelessness, which subsequently leaves its victims suffering. Deriving from this, homelessness not only depicts a problem by itself but extensively acts as a starting point for more disparities most evident in the United Kingdom. These disparities range from, increased potential for diseases and infections, mental breakdowns, emotional as well as physical instabilities, spoilt relationships and drug addiction amongst others (Segal 1991). However, almost 70% of past attempts to curb or rather minimize the rates of homelessness in the United Kingdom have failed following to reasons such as basing solutions on insufficient research projects. In addition, improper implementation of enacted solutions backed by lack of resources such as financial resou rces act as limitations to consistent improvement in the mission of curbing homelessness in the United Kingdom (Pierson 2009). More precisely, this research puts more focus on minimizing and subsequently curbing homelessness in the United Kingdom since this automatically eliminates problems caused by homelessness (Fitzpatrick, Quilgars, & Pleace, 2009). With the intent of focusing the researches’ concentration on the problems facing homeless people in the United Kingdom and subsequently finding solutions to these disparities, the enlisted research questions aid in better

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

New Federalism in USA Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

New Federalism in USA - Research Paper Example This essay stresses that the congress is an important body in the new federalism. The success of the statutory federalism depends on its restraint not to overuse its powers. It is because of the lack of restraint that the courts come in to limit the congressional powers. This can however prove to be less effective. For example, in Brady’s bill, the congress can use its spending powers to achieve the same purpose that it had intended to achieve by using the statute. Similarly, in the case of Lopez, the congress had intended to use the Gun Free School Zones Act to make it criminal possessing guns near the school periphery. The congress could use the commerce clause in this instance to link this law to the interstate commerce. It is for this reason that Ferejohn states that the judicial mechanisms used to regulate congress are blunt tools. Under the commerce clause, as stated the congress has the power to regulate all economic activities that involve the different states. This cl ause gives the congress broad powers over all the commercial interests of the nation. The commerce clause has brought in a lot of debate on the powers of the congress and whether the courts can limit the same powers. This report makes a conclusion that the new federalism has made significant progress in the politics of the United States of America. However, it has been faced with what seems like a tug of war between the congress and the federal government. The judiciary through case law, solves the disputes that may come in. The devolution aspect of the new federalism has greatly shaped the economy of many states as the federal government provides block grants to the states. These block grants are meant to solve various social issues in the states.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Nursing acutely ill patient Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Nursing acutely ill patient - Essay Example This work is mainly going to discuss the management of patients admitted in Accident and Emergency departments suffering from Angina. It also focuses on the treatment, pathophysiology, monitoring, and reassurance. Angina can also be referred to as Angina Pectoris1. Angina is condition causes a severe pain in the chest that often spreads to the arms, shoulders and neck. This condition is mainly caused by inadequate blood supply to the heart muscles. Angina is discomfort or chest pain that is caused when the heart section is deprived of oxygen2. It is also subjected to a symptom of heart disease like the Coronary artery disease. There are three main types of angina. They include, variant angina, stable and unstable angina. Variant angina is a type of angina that occurs when one is at rest or during sleeping hours3. It is very easy to treat using medication. This type of angina in not common and occurs free of atherosclerosis that might be there incidentally. 4Some researchers state tha t variant angina occurs because of coronary artery muscle contraction. Stable angina is the most common type of angina that takes place the heart is overworked. It is easy to predict when it can occur, for instance, when carrying out some activities. Stable angina can be relieved either by rest or through angina medications5. The last type of angina, unstable angina, follows an unpredictable pattern unlike stable angina. It can occur during an activity or when at rest. It is rather complex because it cannot be relieved by both medication and rest. Its occurrence may indicate an impending heart attack. 6The symptoms of angina include; sensation of heaviness or pressing pain on the chest under sternum, the breast bone. The pain is mainly experienced in the arms, neck, jaw regions and shoulder. Physical exertion normally increases the condition because angina occurs only when the heart requires excess oxygen beyond the available oxygen from the blood that nourishes the heart. The main causes of angina are extreme temperatures, smoking cigarette, emotional stress, heavy meals and alcohol. Some of the causes of angina are very serious and threatens life. Musculoskeletal is one of the most common causes of chest pain that are common in patients under forty years. Some of the causes of chest discomfort include respiratory causes such as pleurisy and pulmonary embolism, the digestive causes such as esophageal spasm and heartburn7. The worst condition that threatens life is the cardiac chest pain. Cardiac chest pain sums to 18% of the chest pain cases combined. Chest pain reports sums up to 40% of the admissions in emergency hospitals out of which, 5% visits the Accident and Emergency departments. It is very important to differentiate between non-cardiac and cardiac pain in the admissions of chest pain in a hospital, even though, it can be hard to be sure about the nature8. Early assessment helps to know if there is a heart disease within a patient while early treatmen t increases the survival chances of the patient. It is therefore important to do early assessment and early treatment in order to discover the presence of a heart disease and increase the patient’s survival chances respectively. According to various statistics, the incidences of Coronary Heart Disease have been increasing for the last decades; though there were, low death rates. The

Monday, October 14, 2019

I Have a Dream Speech Analysis Essay Example for Free

I Have a Dream Speech Analysis Essay King had suffered the racial injustice of America at that time and was tired of the segregation. â€Å"We can never be satisfied as long as our children are stripped of their self-hood and robbed of their dignity by signs stating: ‘For Whites Only. ’† At this point in time, society was segregated to an extreme. Blacks and whites did not mix, the black people were forced to sit at the back of the bus while the white people had the privilege of the front. The two races could not drink from the same water fountains and attended segregated schools. There had been attempts to make a change in the past such as Rosa Parks, however no one was able to leave the same lasting impression that King did and make such a change in society as we now know it. â€Å"One day right there in Alabama little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers. † King had a dream, a dream of racial equality. King was not fighting for only his own rights, he was also fighting for the future of his children, so that they would not endure the cruel police brutality of the times. In the speech King states â€Å"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. † This does not only show his dream for the future generations but also gives the speech personal identity by including his own children. Throughout the speech King uses a various amount of linguistic devices that help to give his speech the extra edge needed to keep his words in the minds of listeners for years to come. One of the main styles of public speaking King uses is repetition. Throughout the speech he constant repeats certain words and catch phrases such as â€Å"I have a dream† or â€Å"Let freedom ring. † These help to drill his words into the audience and create a lasting impression. This is a technique that is generally used in speeches, especially those dealing with politics. Obama, another man making a big change in society also uses this technique with his catch phrase â€Å"Yes we can,† the use of repetition allows the speaker to get their words through to every listener whether they realize it or not. King also includes aspects of the American Culture in his speech. This not only draws the attention of the white Americans but also shows a connection between the blacks and the whites, they are all Americans and they all live on the same land. King says lines like â€Å"when architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence,† this line praises the American beliefs. King gives a strong point of connection between the blacks and whites and their belief in the Declaration of Independence. He does not put down the American government despite the segregation and hardships but instead compliments them in his speech. The use of American Culture can also tie into King’s pacifism. King was against war and violence and in his speech he states â€Å"we must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence,† this connects to why he never puts down the government. King shows that with kindness you get further than with violence as the changes that he made in the world are much more than a war would have done. Another strong point of King’s speaking is his inclusivity of the audience. He rarely states his goals in the form of ‘I’ but instead using ‘we. ’ This technique draws the audience in and includes them in the mission King is presenting to them. â€Å"with this faith, we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up to freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day. † Note how King never refers to any of the actions in singular form. He says we will work together, stand up to freedom together. King always includes the audience to keep their attention and make them feel a part of the speech and like he is speaking directly to them and asking them to join him so that together they can make a change. King also used many links to religion. By linking his speech to biblical references he was able to connect on a deeper level with the religious members of his audience. During this point in time many people were spiritual, including the black population who were very religious as it helped them through the hard times of segregation and the assault they were experiencing. King used quotes such as â€Å"the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together† referring to the thought that the Lord’s power will overrule cruelty and both blacks and whites will witness it together creating a world free from segregation. Another strong technique that King uses is alliteration. symbolic shadow we stand today, signed † the repetition of the sound ‘s’ creates a dramatic sentence emphasizing the words using this sound. It draws the audiences ear to these sentences and because of the similar sounds allows the phrase to be remembered easier. This allows King to have powerful sentences within the speech which continue capturing the audience’s attention and allow for a more memorable speech. King often uses this technique as many parts of the speech include alliteration. Overall, King left a lasting impression on those who have listened to the speech. He does this by using the many different literary techniques to capture his audience at all times and leave them thinking about the points he put forward. King included various techniques to make his message strong and clear and leave a lasting impression.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Analysing Personal Development as a Strategic Manager

Analysing Personal Development as a Strategic Manager Management and leadership skills are needed in every industry and every walk of life. Therefore it is essential for new managers to learn the leadership skills as well as manager skills to perform effectively and efficiently. In this assignment, I investigate what leadership skills required by a manager. My chosen business is Tesco, which is UK biggest retailer and I have been able to investigate these issues by referring to related books and some internet resources. The focus of this assignment is to find which leadership skills required are by Tesco from their manager and how Tesco developed these skills in their managers. The results of this study show that if managers have good leadership skills then managers are ready to lead their team and organisations toward their goals. Introduction Management is a group of individuals taking decisions about how a business is run and also perform some duties like problem solving, decision making, planning, meeting, team management, delegation, and personal development. Despite similarities in the general activities of management, the job roles of individual managers differ widely and the work of manager is varied and fragmented according to business needs and depends on their abilities. The word management evokes power. A negative impact can be caused by having one person superior to every one else, such as a president would take the decision to go to war, even though nobody would be happy with that idea. Now we can see there are different approaches to solve the problems adopt by the managers and the leaders. However the aim of all these approaches is to turn negative thinking into positive. Management is the process of getting work done effectively and efficiently with and through other people and choose the best way which is in the best interest of the organisation and for the team. 21st century management is not business management. It is particularly important for the growth sector of a developed society and Management is the specific and distinguishing organ of any and all organisations. (Drucker, 1999) What is Manager? In any organisation, an individual who is in charge of a certain group of people, tasks or a certain department is called manager. A manager often has a group of people who take orders and give the report to him or her. As an example, a restaurant will have a manager who helps the customers and supervises the hosts as well. Managers designate according to the nature of the department within the company and they can be line managers, store managers or area managers depending upon the functionality of the department. Early in the history of management manager was defined as someone who is responsible for the work of other peoples. (Drucker, 1999) According to Mullins, a manager should be strategically aware and appreciate the origins and nature of change. They should developed themselves and be competent to deal effectively with the problems which represent opportunities and threats to the environment, the organisations culture and values, and the resources of the organisation (Mullins , 1999). Kanter states that Managers also have to be specialists in ambiguity with the ability to cope with conflicting and unclear requirements. (Kanter, 1984) Roles/Duties of Mangers within the Organisation Managers carry out their work on a daily basis and perform different roles/duties according to the situations. A single word to describe all these features would be chaos. (Peters, 1988) Managers have the both duties to manage themselves as well as their subordinates. So here under some of roles/duties of the managers which they perform everyday. Getting things done. Set the daily targets. Planning ahead. Maintaining momentum and making thinks happen. Reacting to demands and request. Communication and decision making. Dealing with customers and staff. Deal with different situations as they arise. Follow the health and safety procedure. Styles of Management and Required Skills We see above the different roles/duties of managers and now we will see various management styles and how managers are functioning in these styles. There are usually five different styles in which a manager may apply leadership attributes to operate effectively at strategic level and keep the team running in businesses. Which are as follows? Democratic Autocratic Paternalistic Laissez-faire Consultative Democratic In this style, manager invites employees to take part in the process of decision-making therefore everything is agreed by the majority. The communication is in both directions from subordinates to leaders and vice-versa. This style can be very useful when crucial decision need to be made which need more attention than others. For example, when a new ICT system needs to be put in place and the upper management of the business is computer-illiterate. In democratic style decision making process is slow but the quality of work improves and makes the best decision for the business. Autocratic An Autocratic or strict manager makes all the decisions, keeping the information and decision making among the senior management. Managers set objectives and tasks for the team and they exactly do as they are told to do. The communication in this style is mainly from leader to the subordinate. According to the critics, this style of management decreases the motivation in the employees. The main advantage of this style is that business looks well managed and the decisions will all be similar but the disadvantage is that subordinates may become highly dependent upon the leaders and supervision may needed all the time. Paternalistic Paternalistic style is good for the welfare and motivation of employees. However managers make the decisions in the best interest of the employees rather than the business. The leader explains most decisions to the employees and ensures that their social and leisure needs are always met. Communication is again downwards but this style is highly advantageous because in this staff looks happier and give their best for the business and the disadvantage is Employees may feel valued but frustrated because there is little scope for decision making. Laissez-faire In a Laissez-faire style, the manager role is secondary and the subordinates are free to make decisions and manage their own areas of the business. The communication move in this style is horizontal, meaning that it is equal in both directions, however very little communication occurs in comparison with other styles. This style is only successful if the team is professional and expert in their areas otherwise may lead to chaos without the involvement of the management. Regular communication and feedback is required for this style of work. Consultative There are two Consultative leadership styles; the first involves the leader sharing the problems with the relevant team members individually getting their ideas and suggestions without bringing them together as a group. Then the leader makes the decision that may or may not reflect the team member influence. The second style is similar but in this leader gets the suggestions from the group of team members and on the basis of these suggestions comes to the decision. ( What is Leadership? Leadership requires a person not to lead a different set of people in an organisation but influence and motivate them. Therefore, the term dictates a person to be followed and respected by others and for these followers to find a way through leadership to express their selves with more exuberance (Heifetz, 1994). Leadership definition according to Northouse is that leadership is a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal. (Northouse, 2006) It is concerned that how leaders put their influence on followers. The basic of leadership is influence and without put any affect leadership does not exist. The Distinction between Management and Leadership Managers have to be leaders but leaders are often, but not always managers. But the distinction can be made between the process of management and leadership. What is the difference between management and leadership? It is a question that has been asked more than once and also answered in different ways. This is the same as saying that they are working for two different purposes. The easy way to understand the difference is that leadership make the new directions and the manager executes the existing directions as efficiently as possible. The other difference between managers and leaders is that leaders motivate the people who work or follow them and on the other hand managers have subordinates and they work for them but not follow them. Managers normally set the task for their team members and the team do what they are told to do so. But the manager work is not just the monitoring of everyday operations but its also includes handle the complex situations and take decision according t o these situations. Unfortunately, management is mistakenly seen as task-oriented, controlling and insensitive to peoples needs. By contrast, leaders are portrayed as emotionally engaging, visionary and inspiring. An inspiring leader induces us to change direction while an inspiring manager motivates us to work harder to get a tough job done on time. (Armstrong, 2008) What Leadership Skills are required by Manager to Perform Effectively? To manage effectively, an individual requires many skills and various personal qualities for successful completion of their objectives. The quality and the skills together make the management style of the individual and the style directly affect the final outcome of the task completion. As a manager, there are a lot of leadership skills that need to be required by a manager to effectively operate at strategic level. According to the Pedler et al (1986) these are the following leadership skills or attributes that should be possessed by a successful manager and broadly these are: Interpersonal skills Delegation Analytical Problem solver Communication ability Decision making Innovative Influential Providing direction Facilitating change The above mentioned leadership skills is very essential for any manager to perform effectively and successful companies are built by good managers and expert leaders and managers skills play a vital role for the success of the company and most successful companies have the best managers at the business whether they be traditional or internet based companies. Now I would like to discuss some important manager skills which are required by Tesco Company as an example and how their managers use their skills to make the Tesco top retailer in the United Kingdom. History Tesco is a UK-owned supermarket company with revenue of  £47 billion (about  £33 billion in the UK) Tesco is the largest British retailer and is also the worlds third largest grocery retailer with outlets across Europe, USA and Asia. In 1919 Jack Cohen founded Tesco when he began to sell surplus groceries from a stall in the East End of London.The company has recently opened stores in all over the world and this is the part of the plan to expand and grow their business all over the world. (Talking Tesco, 2009) What Leadership Skills Tesco Mangers required? A good combination of Tesco management has seen that their company rises above its competitors and dominate the UK market. Tesco management has good criteria about appointing their manager. They have a good system to develop their skills and continuous development plan are other components in the success of Tesco strategic management. So given below are some of the leadership skills which a Tesco manager is required to perform effectively and efficiently. Interpersonal Skills Good interpersonal skills are essential for any organization managers. For example in Tesco stores all the team members has easy access to their managers and can easily speak what they feel or if they have any problem. Delegation Delegation is another important leadership skill which a manager should have to work effectively. Delegation should be applied using the SMART principles. Where SAMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time. In Tesco stores managers is pass out all the information they have to their team members and all of them knows what they expect from them. Analytical Tesco is progressing so fast because their managers analyse the key issue in the market properly and act according to them. For example keep an eye on the prices of their competitors and change them accordingly and in this way you dont lose your customer. Problem Solver Tesco management gives advanced training to their managers to handle the difficult situations and find the best solutions which are according to the legislation and regulations of the company. Communication Ability This skill involves the ability to transmit messages, thoughts, and information and so on by talking, writing etc. Good communication is required within the workplace so that employer and its employees can maintain good working relationship. For example in Tesco when any internal vacancy available then manager have to communicate to the staff first by advertising, by oral communication or through monthly staff meeting. Managing Team This skill shows how manager make plan to manage their teams according to the need of the business and this activity in Tesco consists of designing Rota for each employee and make sure that overtimes and covering for someone who is not available are taken in consideration. Decision making Managers should have the ability to make decisions like leaders and this skill is the one which creates the difference between the effective management and standard management. In Tesco stores mostly decision made by managers and its good for the business because manager work closely with their team and customers and know better than the others who just sitting in the office. Innovative Innovation is very important for the growth of the business and Tesco manager are well aware of these. They try new ideas in the business like the idea of self checkout machines which is very beneficial and through these you can easily increase your sales and customer waiting time is reduced as well. Managing Change In order to become a market leader Tesco managers make sure that they are aware of the changes happening in the market. For example changes in consumer taste, trends and keep an eye on their competitors for counter-act. Achieving Results Managers should have the skill of goal achiever and finish the daily operational task within the given time and this way they can check performance of their team. Performance Focus Tesco manager check their staff performance on monthly or some time on quarterly basis and review their performance and give them a training to improve their effectiveness. Customer Focus In retail business mostly too much focus on customer care and for this they adopt different way to get the customer review about their services or about their products. Providing Direction Tesco have the objective to maximize their profit and for that they give their manager special training that how their manager move their team in right direction which is achieve this target and everybody of their team know what they expect from them. Risk Assessment Managers should be able to do risk assessment on their work place. Manager can calculate the risk by the help of these five steps: Firstly identify the hazards and work out how people could be harmed. Think you might be harmed and how? Evaluate the risks and decide on which precautions you adopt. Record your findings and make a plan to implement them and share with your staff. Review your risk assessment and update if necessary. You can calculate risk assessment by this simple formula Risk = Severity x Likelihood and can record the assessment by help of 3 x 3 matrix (see in appendix 1, page 20) With the help of this chart you can record your risk and make plan for health and safety. (Rowlings, 2010) To conclude, Tesco managers are well equipped with leadership skills which described above and they are very successful in their jobs role and Tesco become the leader of the UK market. Without the presence of these skills managers could be failing and will not be as effective as others, and the business will eventually fail if there is no action taken to develop these skills. After this the next step is personal gap analysis and personal development plan of the manager and its show the clear picture of where they are stand and what steps they need to take to get the desired outcomes. Personal Gap Analysis Gap analysis helps individuals and businesses to achieve their objectives and improve their performance. It is a simple but very effective tool to find the ways between actual and the desired goals or objectives. Successful organisations use this tool for the development of their employees and to identify the area of improvement. Gap analysis begins by asking you two simple questions: (Rowlings, 2010) Where are you now? Where do you want to be? By answering these questions you can easily make personal development plan and the action plan to achieve desired outcome or goal. Personal Development Plan Personal skills development plan is very necessary for any manager to perform effectively. By the audit of your personal skills development plan you can easily know your areas of strength and the areas where you need more training. On the basis of these outcomes you can make your action plan for the future. So as an example I will analyse Tesco store manager Paul Holloway. He is managing the Tesco store at Wolverton for last 8 months and has worked for the company last 23 years in various roles across the country and here is his personal skills audit and personal development plan. Personal Skills Audit and Personal Development Plan Of Paul Holloway Wolverton Tesco Store Manager SKILLS DESCRIPITON Score 1-5 (5 highest ) Communication and literacy skills I am good in communication with my team and team members easily follow me what I want to say. I also have good relation with the customer and its possible by the communication skill 4 Group interpersonal skills ( working with others) I have plenty of experience of working as part of a team and very efficient member of a group. I always try to make positive impact on others and decision which I make depend on the consultation with team and get everybody suggestion to make final decision. I am quite good to welcome to new people and easily adjust with them. 4 Organizational personal skills independent learning and working I am self motivated person and I can plan and schedule the work as I choose. Although I do my best which is best interest of the organization and my team. 3 Research problem solving skills I take problems as a challenges Rather than major obstacles. I discuss with my team and choose the best process to solve the problem and make the plan that ensures that we will not face it in the future. 3 ICT skills I am confident to use the latest technology equipment and good in handling machinery. I use the internet for research and also make contact with my colleagues and top management. 4 Enterprise management skills I try to manage the strategic direction of the whole store and try to keep it on track by making daily basis action plan and review these regularly. 3 Action Plan for Personal Development Plan Outcomes Of Paul Holloway Wolverton Tesco Store Manager ACTION RESOURCES WHEN Promote equality and diversity in my workplace Join the local community centre or some learning organizations to find out more about equality and diversity. Within 3 months Promote the use of technology in my business Promote myself and team members to get training about the new technology. Within 3 months Lead change within my organization Take leadership training course or attend the seminars about change and they implement with in the organization. Within 6 months Develop a strategic plan Try to do more e-learning about the business plan and get the skills required to put plan in the business. Within 2 months Put the business plan into action Implement the business plan and monitor at regular intervals. Within 6 months Having carried out this personal skills audit, we are able to identify the areas where he is strong and where he needs more training and development to operate effectively in these departments. So he can easily make his action plan for the personal development plan outcomes. By these assessments leaders know where they stand and take the best route to achieve their goals. It is also the first step towards their personal and professional development process required to become a strategic leader. Conclusion According to the findings leadership skills of Tesco management is playing a vital role in their success. Tesco is a successful UK organisation and over the past five years their market shares is increased and setup some new retail units as well. This has been achieved by their good management department skills that are playing a major part in their success. Leading is just as important to Tesco as other functions of the management, because Tesco spent too much on their managers training to develop their leadership skills. In other words leading can be directly linked to corporate image in the sense that whatever employees or their managers do is perceived by customers and the local community as their organisational culture. Therefore, if employees are very helpful towards customers it will lead to delight customers and delight customers leads to success of the organisation. Tesco managers have good interpersonal and communicational skills which will create a friendly environment whe re employees will feel free and happy to work and also raise the performance of Tesco and help the company to achieve their objectives. Management of Tesco are doing their best to make their company at the highest position. I have noticed that the role of a manager is very complex and broad. The manager has to try to bring harmony and peace while working in the organisation. Mostly people make a common mistake about the manger is that they must be loud, and a great drinker or a great something social to draw people to them. This is wrong, if you look in any company structure, you will find quiet modest people who manage teams with great personal success. If you are modest and all you need is to talk clearly to the people. The great managers are the ones who accept challenges and who are ready to lead their teams towards a personal vision. According to research, currently in the UK business market only one in five managers is professionally qualified and strong demand for managers who got the leadership skills is growing within the businesses. It is very important for individuals who are in position of great responsibility to be able to play both roles. The person who cannot manage will destroy an organisation just as well as the one who dont know how to lead. But the people who have both skills are on the path to success.